Wednesday, April 29, 2009

"Swine" flu

I cannot believe, well no I can believe, how many idiots are actually running countries in this world. I understand uneducated people avoid pork because of the title swine flu, but for a country like Egypt to start slaughtering pigs? Do they have a moron running their health system with no scientific background? There is just no excuse in today's world to allow oneself to be uneducated. There is so much information on the internet, both accurate and inaccurate. For God's sake do some research before you act like an 18th century person who still believed germs were "evil humours".

Sunday, April 26, 2009

No more nude hiking in Switzerland

Bummer. I just saw an article in which nude hiking has been banned in Switzerland. There goes my chance to get road rash on my ass sliding down the alps.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Tea Parties

I've been meaning to write about the Tea Parties from Wednesday, April 15th; an apropos date to protest taxes. I would have loved to go but I was busy earning money to pay my taxes as well as other things such as mortgage, car payments and food. The absolute partisanship of both sides of the supposed press makes me nuts. I really do believe Fox went over the line from reporting on the tea parties to promoting them; but to give them credit, I think they were doing that to get ratings and it worked. The other major news outlets barely covered them or outright lied about the events, claiming hardly anyone showed up or that the tea parties were the brain child of the Repubclican Party and Fox News. The tea parties were about more than just taxes but rather what our government does with those taxes whether we agree or not. I don't believe we should bail out one company just because they are large but let every other smaller business fail. There should be no favoritism. And quite frankly, if I fail it is on me; why are others not allowed to fail?

Friday, April 10, 2009


I work for an academic medical center. As might be expected university affiliated organization have a big target on their foreheads concerning worms and viruses. Of course, we also have a large workforce on the internet who can bring the damn thing in. Well, we got confickered. I don't think the worm itself is causing all the havoc but rather all the steps we have to take to avoid any damage. Access to the internet was shut off for a while, email was disrupted. It was a royal pain in the ass. When I left, my computer was doing a scan for the worm. I figure I can finish all the steps to protect my stuff on Monday.