Sunday, March 29, 2009

Political Post

I had vowed never to write about politics because I hate it when people spout their political beliefs as if everyone who doesn't agree with them are idiots, racist, homophobic, bigoted, hate-mongers. However, I have become so afraid of what our government has been doing to us and is threatening to do to us in the future that I must warn you now. Politics may creep into this blog now and then. I cannot fathom why there are so many people who do not see Obama's power grabs for what they are. He scares me shitless. I've always paid attention to who was running the country but never before have I feared what our so-called leaders could do to effect my life personally. This new leadership could literally change my life and not for the better!

I must admit now that I am playing with my blog as a way to avoid writing my paper for school. But, I'm sure I will return to this vein of conversation later.